Thursday, 24 May 2012

Build beating heart tissue from skin cells

Israel scientists found that, the normal skin cells taken from the very sick person can act as a normal beating heart tissue.It is possible by doing some reprogramms on the skin cells. This research was carried out by the scientists for the past few years.Finally they succeed with this research and make the heart patients happy.For the first time scientists took skin cells from animals and transform it into beating heart tissue and transplanted the new beating tissue with the existing tissues in animals heart.It works fine.So the scientists hopefully said that, in future the heart failure patients transplant their heart with their own skin cells...

Monday, 21 May 2012

Annular Solar Eclipse May 21 2012 images and video

The amazing annular solar eclipse was happened on may 20,21 2012.Click here to know the difference between solar eclipse and annular eclipse.U.s people saw the annular solar eclipse after 18 years.. May 21 2012 annular solar eclipse video May 20,21 2012 annular solar eclipse images ...

Saturday, 19 May 2012

73 year old woman reached Mount Everest peak

A woman named Tamae Watanabe reached mount everest on today(19/5/2012).She is 73 years old.On may 16 2002, she already reached the highest Mount Everest peak at the age of 63 and make a record.Now she breaks her own record by again reached Mount Everest by her 73 years old.She is the oldest women reach mount everest. She was trying to reach the peak on friday, but because of bad weather her attempt failed twice.Finally today morning she reached the mount everest peak and make a record. A oldest man from nepal reached the top of mount everest is Min Bahadur Sherchan at his 76 years old.The mount everest is placed 29,029 feet from...

Friday, 18 May 2012

Jackson brothers sharing childhood stories-video

Michael jackson is reffered to as king of pop.He was born as a 7th child in jackson family in August 29, 1958.From 1964 t0 1971 he joined with his brothers as a member of  jackson 5(Jermaine jackson, Tito jackson, Marlon jackson and Jackie jackson,Michael jackson).After that he started his solo performance and became very popular.His name was placed in guinness world record for all time most successful entertainer.Jackson was popular by his different and stylish dance steps and he name it as robot and moonwalk movements.His most popular album is "thriller" and released in 1982.He went away from the world in June 25, 2009. 16 March 2012...

Thursday, 17 May 2012

A giant fish(617kg) caught in northeast China

A Kaluga fish has more than half a ton(617kg) is caught by fisher man at Heilongjiang River in northeast China.Fisher man named it as giant fish.The fish is female and currently it carrying about 1.2 million eggs. Video of giant fish ...

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

First solar Eclipse of the year 2012

The First Solar eclipse in the year 2012 will happen on may 20,21. Peoples in china and japan view the eclipse during sunrise and people in western united states view the eclipse during sunset.One of the NASA scientist said that,this is the first eclipse of this year 2012 and the next complete annular eclipse will be happened in August 21,2017. He said that, dont see the eclipse using binacular or directly seeing with eye.Directing the eyepiece toward the white cardboard and see the eclipse. It is safe to your eyes. Solar Eclipse-Video ...

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