Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Kidnapped Sukma Collector will be free from Maoists today

Sukma collector Alex paul menon

One of the banned Communist Party named Maoist in India kidnapped the Collector of Chhattisgarh’s Sukma District,Mr.Alex Paul Menon I.A.S  at about 4:30 Pm on 21/April/2012.The collector kidnapped the collector,when he was returning from a village meeting. 15 to 20 Maoist killed two personal security officers of collector and kidnapped him near to Manjipara village.

One of the person from the spot named Mr.Vaid said that,"The Collector quickly got into his Tata Safari vehicle and started to leave when three Maoists stopped his vehicle but the Maoists stopped the vehicle and started shouting ‘Who is the Collector?. The Collector identified himself, and they took him away”.

The Maoists said that,"They are ready to release the collector Mr.Menon on May 3 in front of people".
Before that they demanded to release eight of their leaders who are in jail and also take an immediate halt to operations by security forces against them for the release of  Menon.

Before that the Maoist choose two mediators Mr.B D Sharma and Mr.G Hargopal between them and the government. Maoist told their demands to the mediators.The two people talk with the government and finally the government agreed to release the Maoist leaders in different jails in Chhattisgarh.Finally the Maoist are ready to release Mr.Alex Paul Menon on today infront of people in Tadmetla.


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