Friday, 18 May 2012

Jackson brothers sharing childhood stories-video

Michael jackson is reffered to as king of pop.He was born as a 7th child in jackson family in August 29, 1958.From 1964 t0 1971 he joined with his brothers as a member of  jackson 5(Jermaine jackson, Tito jackson, Marlon jackson and Jackie jackson,Michael jackson).After that he started his solo performance and became very popular.His name was placed in guinness world record for all time most successful entertainer.Jackson was popular by his different and stylish dance steps and he name it as robot and moonwalk movements.His most popular album is "thriller" and released in 1982.He went away from the world in June 25, 2009.

16 March 2012 jackson brothers Jermaine, Tito, Marlon and Jackie share their childhood stories with late brother Michael jackson.The Interview video shown below


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